In the Bag!

My first draft is done. A 12 team non-keeper league. Starting line-up 1 qb, 2 rb, 2 wr, 1 te, 1 dst. No points for catchs.
1-11 Rudi Johnson
2-2 Ronnie Brown
3-11 Reggie Wayne
4-2 Hines Ward
5-11 Rueben Droughns
6-2 Steve McNair
7-11 Drew Brees
8-2 Nate Burleson
9-11 Joseph Addai
10-2 Dallas Clark
11-11 DST Falcons
12-2 Mike Vanderjagt
13-11 DST Lions
14-2 Alex Smith (te not the qb)
The league I was in required 2 DST & 2 TE. I have already placed the DST & TE on waivers to pick up a WR and another kicker. I am grabbing a kicker right now because Vanderjagt has a bye week three.
Immediatly after the draft I traded Ronnie Brown & Steve McNair for Peyton Manning & Duece McAllister. I always feel angst after a trade but I do feel good about this trade especially because I have R. Wayne.
Update: There are 5 objections to this trade so it is not yet official